Thursday, October 22, 2015

“The Host, The Beer & The Spoon” p:26/19

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Cheshvan 5776 

Page 26 of pamphlet – (At 7th line of the page. Line starts: 'al-kol-panim...'). Page 19 of the book. For text see below.

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Aim: to recognize that the light itself also has an element of limit/definition. This is counter-intuitive if we have a sense of what light is...! Light is a direct reflection of the essence – it imports the essence.

Ohr/light is really the human presence. And this is illusive, since we don't think of him in these terms. This presence is a primary, essential presence. It is not measured by his accomplishments and what he can do. His presence changes the world.

By contrast an animal is reactive. It does not have a sense of reality. The human being has a completely different view of things. He senses that the world is real, and he asks, 'who makes this world?'

The human being brings to the world its fundamental value.

And human ownership is of a primary nature. He owns things by virtue of a Godly mandate.

Think of the home you own or rent... your presence fills the entire home.

This is a Godly gift. Your light – your presence – you name fills your home. This presence is representative of the human being himself.

His soul contains everything. He is everything and everywhere.

It is impossible to say the light is limitless, because otherwise it would not be ablel to be translated in a fitting manner to finite human activities.

Adam saw all not due to its physical presence, but due to the Godly element in it...

Light that has no limit at all cannot be imbued in a vessel that does have a limit.

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