Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“You Are Named” p 56

Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Tishrei 5777 

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Page 56 [of the pamphlet] below middle of the page – line starts: 'histalkut'. (P43 in the book)

The principle of all the sphirot being unified is removed and each is brought forward individually.

The encompassing light is also removed/nistalek.

If you remove one letter from the word 'baruch', then the encompassing light automatically vanishes.

Above in the 10 hidden sphirot there are 2 individual tzitzumim/contractions. Firstly, the reduction of the 'infinity element'. This is the contraction of the infinite light into concealment. It is incorporated back into its essence.

How is this done? Reality cannot vanish so how can the infinite light be contracted? It is absorbed into its source. Light is present in the presence of an essence. For example a human being changes the entire environment...

And secondly, the tzimtzum that affects the root of the kav/line to permit one sphirah to be revealed at a time... and not a whole blend of sphirot at once.

And the revelation of the sphirot one by one is still within the context of an overall reality and this provides for a world and a clarity of what is being represented.

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