Friday, February 3, 2017

“There Already” p 62-3

He builds and develops in all directions – and builds sky-scrapers... This is a gift from the Creator. If he was exclusively oriented to the place he stands, he would not have that level of ambition and imagination.”
There Already” p 62-3
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Shvat 5777.

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Page 62 [of the pamphlet] At last line from end of the page – line starts: 'bebechina'. (P48 in the book)

we are moving to explain the phenomenon of light coming from its source to a state where it can actually be nested in a keili/vessel.

This is a phenomenal transition.

A vessel is extraneous. Light is something internal. Yet they make a perfect union.

The ultimate facilitator for this union is that the light even in its loftiest state has some kind of relationship to revelation/gilui.

In the hidden essential state there is already the intent towards creation/revelation.

The human being relates to the entire world.

He builds and develops in all directions – and builds sky-scrapers... This is a gift from the Creator. If he was exclusively oriented to the place he stands, he would not have that level of ambition and imagination.

A man sees a destination or an outcome directly. He's 'there already', before he even starts. In that perception there is already a subdivision of steps – at the hidden/helem world.

The 10 sphirot are the world in a hidden state.

There are two types of 10 – the 10 sphirot of lights and the 10 sphirot of vessels/keilim.

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