Thursday, May 18, 2017

“Simple Light” p73

“Before the level of sphirot there was a level of simple light that had no up and down.”

“Simple Light” p73

Iyar 5777

P 73 [of the new pamphlet] at 6th line from end of the page, at the line starting “haya bo…”.  [P 53 of the book]

In the 10 sphirot the elements of higher and lower are relevant.

‘Higher’ is light, soul, and mind.  Lower is emotions, and below that thought speech and action.

Before the level of sphirot there was a level of simple light that had no up and down.  

In the level of 10 sphirot there is a difference between above and below… and that’s because it has to do with lights vested in vessels...

Sight relates to what it sees… the sphirot function in a ‘pnimi’ manner - they  relate to what they touch.  

In a fine vessel the light shines with a greater intensity - this is called ‘higher’.  The vessel is more capable of accepting the light.  The vessel that is more rough or tangible has light in a lesser quality.  

Compare to sight and touch.  They may both relate to the same object, but touch identifies it on a much lower level.  Touch does not relate to color…

And within touch there are levels of sensitivity - the hand is more sensitive to the foot.

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