Wednesday, May 24, 2017

“Soul Truth” p74

“Sechel is true because the soul is true.  It is then expressed into a the realm of definition and examples and manifestations, but the one learning it, realizes it is his sechel/mind, and he delves back into it saying, ‘what does this mean to me?’  And the point becomes ‘my truth’.”

“Soul Truth” p74

Iyar 5777

P 74 [of the new pamphlet] nearing middle of the page, at the line starting “yoter…”.  [P 55 of the book]

In wisdom/chochmah you have the point…  and there’s no identifiable presence.  When this is developed the content becomes manifest.  At this lower level the subtly of the point is lost.

Sechel is telling you the truth of the soul.  It is a soul expression into world.  the motivation is the soul not the world.  This is why the sechel has a fine quality - dalit - it is the impact of the essence.  This refinement is lost as it become manifest in the world.  it goes from being an inference to being a ‘thing’.  

Sechel is true because the soul is true.  It is then expressed into a the realm of definition and examples and manifestations, but the one learning it, realizes it is his sechel/mind, and he delves back into it saying, ‘what does this mean to me?’  And the point becomes ‘my truth’. 

This the nekudah hatamzit - a resulting point, that is both personal and effective - the point has become a guiding light… 

And then the light and the refinement shines back in.  

You understand based on soul truth, rather than on experience.  The refinement of the light returns…!

This is the state where the development of bimah/knowledge returns to ein/nothing/infinity. 

The light of chochmah shines in bimah.

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