Friday, June 30, 2017

“My Number One” p78

You’re in a body, but nevertheless the soul brings its perspective and formulates it in such a way that you can sense it while you are in a body.”

“My Number One” p78

Tammuz 5777

P 78 [of the new pamphlet] At middle of second paragraph of the page - line starting “be-aynecha…”.  [P 57 of the book]

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Regarding lights, the higher you go, the greater the number… which is odd… but this is not a number indicating numerical form… rather it indicates greater quantity.

and the lower the level the less is the amount of light that is revealed.

Regarding vessels/keilim by contrast, the higher you go the fewer vessels are found.  Lower levels have an abundance of vessels/keilim.

An example is when the master bestows sechel/mind to the student.  [This is the case where the rav/master gives his student something that he would not have seen on his own.]  

Sechel/mind is a soul/neshama element.  It is not an accumulation of information or experiences.  It comes from above.  It starts with chochmah/wisdom, where the concept is viewed as a reality.  It is a view of the world as the soul sees it.  

You’re in a body, but nevertheless the soul brings its perspective and formulates it in such a way that you can sense it while you are in a body. 

The master opens the student’s mind.  He enables him to see things from a higher perspective, using qualities he has not experience before.  The student has to labor to absorb what he is told.   

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