Friday, July 14, 2017

“Aroused Heart” p80

Arousal of the heart - this is a desire of the heart.  It is not based on experience.  It is of the level of will - it indicates value beyond experience.”

“Aroused Heart” p80

Tammuz 5777

P 80 [of the new pamphlet] a third into the page - line starting “hamochin…”  [P 59 of the book]

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The foot is lowest in terms of light.  In the body there is more light of the reality of the soul - the emotions reside in the heart.  

There is one soul.  The light of the soul provides for the entire person, but there is a different degree of revelation of soul in the foot, body, and head. 

There is light/ohr from the soul that is shared and vested in the body.

Arousal of the heart - this is a desire of the heart.  It is not based on experience.  It is of the level of will - it indicates value beyond experience. 

And this takes place in the body specifically.

There are two modes to how this happens.  One is through meditation of the mind [hisbonenut] on the infinite light that is above the whole worldly process and structure. 

You may refer to this as, ‘being drawn to the truth’.

The arousal of the emotions is superficial in contrast to arousal of the heart.  

The heart can relate to the element of truth… this is the vitality of the heart… this is the pure soul element of the heart. 

There is also a level of arousal of the heart that comes not by virtue of meditation, but rather directly due to the essence - this is the essential, central point that is above the whole level of faculties. 

This second, essential level is due to an essential bond between the heart and essence. This level relates to heart, even more than to the mind.  The heart accepts whatever you give it and thus it can take essence.

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