Monday, July 10, 2017

“Remain In Light” p79

The lights become completely invested and united with the vessel and give it a light quality.”

“Remain In Light” p79

Tammuz 5777

P 79 [of the new pamphlet] 5th line from end of the page - line starting “vehinei…”  [P 59 of the book]

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We are looking at the fact that there is above and below in the level of sphirot and lights.  This is due to the fact that the lights have it in them to be vested in keilim/vessels.

The lights become completely invested and united with the vessel and give it a light quality.

The hand has the ability to write.  This engages the intellect and emotion.  And it is translated into a physical action.  To what extent does it reflect the human quality? Much less than the thought itself, yet still it remains a human quality - it still retains light.  

When a person writes it is imbued with meaning and purpose.  The letter is part of a message.  By contrast the robot or the typewriter is not making a message.  

This is an example of how ohrot/lights have the ability to be higher and lower.  

This is due to the lights having the ability to being vested into the vessels.  And the light relates to the vessels.

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