Sunday, August 6, 2017

“A World of Color” p84

“It is in the world, but light is spirituality translated on a worldly level.“

“A World of Color” p84
Menachem Av 5777

P 84 [of the new pamphlet] At lower third of the page - line starting “makom…”  [P 63 of the book]

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We are talking about levels of light.  As always, we need to refresh the topic of the conversation.  What is the meaning of ‘light’ as it is used in chassidus and in a general context.

On the first day of creation there was darkness.  Yet it has a Godly content.  The world is not just worldly.  In the darkness it would be exclusively worldly - only known by the physical presence…

The statement of ‘let there be light’ is saying, ‘I don’t want the world to be exclusively world, I want it to represent something of it’s Creator.  Light alludes to something higher’. 

It is in the world, but light is spirituality translated on a worldly level.

Chassidus focuses on this element: how light bears testimony to what it is about. 

The point is what chochmah/wisdom relates to.  It seeks the point or central message. 

Wisdom is based in the human soul.  If you ignore it you can create all manner of chaos, and stupidity.  

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