Tuesday, September 26, 2017

“Full Emersion” p89

“Chochmah/wisdom is actually ‘being there’.  It is not imagination.  You need bitul/humility to ‘make this trip’.“

“Full Emersion” p89

Menachem Av 5777

P 89 [of the new pamphlet] just below halfway into the page - line starting “tov lo…”  [P 66 of the book]

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When someone enters into an outlook or topic entirely then it becomes his whole reality - especially when this is a Godly topic, or the Godly element of a particular topic…

Automatically there’s a resulting Godly preciousness and supremacy…

Chochmah/wisdom is actually ‘being there’.  It is not imagination.  You need bitul/humility to ‘make this trip’.  

Hasagah/understanding is the level of bringing the vision into your own level where the qualities such as preciousness or supremacy are experienced. 

This is like gazing at the preciousness of the king.

It is awe inspiring.  There is no way to comprehend, or project the sporty that flows through the king…

He goes further and his gaze is an attempt to understand and the preciousness surfaces… sensed without really being felt [murgash]. 

And if he perseveres there is an illumination in his mind of the preciousness and supremacy.  His soul connects to it with an essential union… that permeates his whole being…

[his ‘trying to understand’ is not to know ‘what’s behind this king’ but ‘rather to be with him - to unify and obey him’]

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