Friday, November 3, 2017

“Soul View” p94

“When God created the world he made it ‘something from nothing’.  And this ‘nothing’ contains everything that was to become revealed.“

“Soul View” p94

MarCheshvan 5778

P 94 [of the new pamphlet] at first line of the page - line starting “Tzion”  [P 69 of the book]

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Wisdom/chochmah is part of mind.  Does it touch the essence?

The world is a creation.  It is not ‘just there’ and it did not, ‘just make itself’.

In human work, solutions are found in response to shortcomings.  This is the mix of ‘tov ve rah’ - good and bad.  

But at the conceptual level things are perfect.  There is no admixture of rah/bad.  

When God created the world he made it ‘something from nothing’.  And this ‘nothing’ contains everything that was to become revealed.

This is the real world.  And then it shows itself in the revealed format.  
Chochmah/wisdom sees the world from its reality/conceptual perspective.  

It sees things from a soul/nefesh level.  

Yet, is it not also a mind/conscious knowledge?

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Notes/Map of 14 Cheshvan Shiur by Michoel Pais


Map of 14 cheshvan shiur

WOrld loses sight that basis of world is yeshi m’ayen. Creation from nothing.

Principle: WHen something is being created, when a human being conceptualizes a new vessel, a new concept/way of dealing with a certain situation, the entity exists in that concept in Perfect design.

Perfect design: 

Ex; Table. Board and four legs. Yet further, the board is essential, the legs are add ons, secondary towards holding the board up. One is not enough to hold the board up, need more.
The whole design is a response to a failure. One leg - board will fall. Two? Will tilt. Etc until you have 4 and now table can stand. The 4 legs, in this perspective, are a response to a shortcoming, rather than being an initial design. Initial design is the board, then you have to find ways to make the board stand up. 
^mix of Tov and Ra. 
Gives support, but also fails to support. Therefore, table has to support itself some other way. 
^How a table develops on the practical worldly plane.

In truth, a table is not created by the practical side of it, rather there is an element of human dignity associated with it. 
When one wants to sit and discuss, specifically is done by a table. Conference? Table unites them all. 
Table is much deeper, reaches to the essence of the human intellect, rather than its practical use.

The way it exists within its conceptual level (intellect), that is a Perfect table. No mix of tov and ra. The legs are not there to support the board. They are part of the initial concept, design and they are a perfect fit!

Ex: Human being standing on 2 legs. Represents the fact that he is aloof of the world, does not have to crawl around and be supported by the ground. Part the is on the ground: is netzach and hod, not just to support the person. They are his way of relating to the world! (not a response to having to not fall) Just as he has 2 hands, he has 2 feet.

When Hashem created the world, he created it yesh m’Ayen.
This Ayen contains the ful design, complement of the world, with all its ramifications. Every last hill, lake, ocean, river, spring, tree, etc. All part of the Real concept of what the world is. 
Rashi says: the Vegetation was created in the initial moment of Creation, but did not protrude out of the ground because there was no point for it yet, but they all exists under the ground already! Later, Hashem was just bringing them forth from their initial existence. 
The whole world was conceptualized from the start by Hashem in its entirety. Only in actuality, things develop gradually. 

Chochmah & Binah
Chochmah recognizes the world from its Reality perspective, from its Conceptual reality. How it is conceptualized within its Creator. Perceives the table with 4 legs, not as a compound construction, but This is what a table is! Doesn’t need to go and expain what this is all about. Chochmah sees things from a Nefesh level, not from a practical experiential level. 
“What is the Divine Reality in it”

Practically speaking: We walk around the whole world. Encounter and absorb many things we’ve never seen before. Why? Because we see it not as something confronting us, rather, as this is part of the initial reality of what Hashem put us into. 

Chochmah grabs behinas hamehoos, relates to the mahos (Reality) element. “What was conceptualized over here? What is the wholeness of it?”

World has found a way to attack even what is called the hush of sight - re’iah.
Re’iah is the practical manifestation of Chochmah. World was able to contaminate that, saying: No, you don’t see because there is reality to it, but because there is a light bouncing off of your eyes, (a response to something).
People who get this education have a difficulty seeing/understanding what chochmah is. It blinded them. 

SIght is a G-dly gift, not a physical experience. 

Chochmah sees things the way they are in their perfect, conceptualized level.
How? The conceptualizer brings it out exactly as it is in concept. He created the whole world in one instance, everything was there in that creation. Chochmah sees this sees world the way they are presented by the Creator. Beyond perfect, the way things come from His truth. 

G-d conceptualized a world because the world belongs as a creation of G-d. 
^How chochmah perceives it. (Mahoos.)
There are no pieces. There is no leg to hold things up. There’s no possibility that it should fall down!  

Earth, sky, space, etc, is also a perfect presence.
THe world claims that the earth has gravitational pull. 
It has it not because it has graviational pull, but its meant to hold up its inhabitants! They belong there! 

Just as the earth has a gravitational pull tings down, the sky has a gravitational pull upwards, keeping things up. All of it is part of 1 reality. How can that be? B/c its a G-dly creation! Represents the G-dly presence in creation! 
World is really a super worldly entity. But within the world itself, he made all the details that make it a complete world. Such as gravity. But gravity is not an after thought, a response, but rather it is part of the initial design of a perfect creation, representative of the G-dly concept of what the world is. 

Question in the maimor:
If this is what Chochmah is, we need to further understand: Isn’t CHochmah also a yidiah sichlis, a Siecheldik knowledge, rather than a G-dly super knowledge? It can be described on a worldly level! Seems to negate the possibility from seeing things on the Mahoos perspective, if it sees things from the Metsius perspective. 

Page Tsaddik Daled

The reason we stand on 2 legs, and are able to do things practically, is part of our initial G-dly design.

Continuation of the question: Al kol ponim (still must admit) that the lowest madreigah of Chochmah, for exaple, the nekudas haskolo, the point of conceptualization (!!!) 

Nekudas hahaskola - Point of conceptualization, is point that sticks out from the neshama! Hitsonius! “I’m giving you a point!” Who needs a point that is outside of its reality? 

Chochmah is an essence part of the G-dly truth of the neshama.
Ones it becomes a defined innovation in world, this is its lowest level! 

Sometimes on sits and has a difficulty to understand something. Many years later, one understands it and explains: “Of course! I always knew it!”

How can that be?

It was contained in the essence of the nefesh. Didn’t protrude out into conscious knowledge.

We go around the world, see new things, and yet we absorb it! Don’t get overwhelmed, shocked! Same world as yesterday. How can we feel that way? B/c its the same world we knew before! We sense internally all that it contains. 

If you stay true to Chochmah, you will then only confirm (through “discovery”) what you know already. 

If this is the first revelation of Chochmah, where was chochmah hiding before?
WIthin the reality of the nefesh. 

In the reality, the whole world is known!
Not known as a composite of many detais, but from its conceptualized level- how it is supposed to be! Its supposed to have hills, valleys, clouds, trees, grass, etc! And tables! (if it has a human being!)

Table is brought into the world via creation of the human being, just like the home. 

World says table is an after thought.
(Divine) Conceptually,  this is the complement of the human being at the moment of his conceptualization! 

“Up above”, the human “has” a table!
“Proof” - when one sits by a table here, we feel completely natural about it! Like we belong by it!

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