Friday, December 15, 2017

“Live With This” p97

David - by Michelangelo

“Wisdom/chochmah knows that He is ever present everywhere.  This is what we live with.  This is what we wake up with.“

“Live With This” p97

Kislev 5778

P 97 (of the pamphlet) at 7th line of the page - line starting “ubevo”  [P 72 of the book]

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Wisdom/chochmah has the Primary Reality [yesh ha-amiti] as the main reality.

The basis is the ‘First Being’.  Our minds cannot grasp this.  But it is the foundation of all foundations.  This is what is recognized in chochmah/wisdom.

This is the divine gift.  It is not a worldly entity.  

Wisdom/chochmah knows that He is ever present everywhere.  This is what we live with.  This is what we wake up with.  

Understanding/binah is the next-of-kin to wisdom and delves in and tries to understand what is there.

There is the false perspective: ‘let the world tell me about itself’.  But this is not a source of wisdom.  The world did not create itself, and cannot be the source of wisdom.

Understanding/binah starts from ‘not knowing’ and then examines the wisdom it receives from above. 

Binah realizes ‘there is more to this truth than meets the eye’, but it cannot grasp it.

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