Tuesday, August 14, 2018

“Delight Awakes” p125

“We stand because, ‘we want to stand’.  We stand because we have the sky holding us up.  We are not held up by the earth.“

“Delight Awakes” p125


P 125 (of the pamphlet) At 2nd to last line of the page. Line starts, “m’rutzeh” [P 92 of the book]

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Will is a surrounding faculty.  Seemingly it can become more enlivened.  This is due to the one/delight in the mind.

Will and delight are both surrounding faculties, representative of the soul, but in 2 different ways.

Delight/oneg is internal.  Ratzon/will is external and has effect on the world…

There relationship between mind/sechel and ratzon differs from that between mind/sechel and one/delight.

Oneg/delight is the basis of the mind/sechel.

Notes from Moshe Silver:

The main difference between עונג and רצון.

is a force that drives prods one to do the will of the creator. Forcing him to go out of himself, connecting to the unlimited powers of above. עונג is a sense of knowing, feeling that this act which was done this intelectual idea that he has is correct because It is correct in the way creator wanted it to be. Giving him a great sense of satisfaction. A feeling of comfort of being one with the creator a connection between the person and its source.
Essentially רצון expresses a drive, עונג expresses a satisfaction. חכמה is sourced in עונג because it is עונג that senses the feeling of the truth חכמה -  intelect has no feeling it is עונג ,that gives one the feeling of truth, a sense of unity with the will of his creator. Giving the person a feeling of understanding that he reached the want of hashem. Ultimately, the feeling of being one with Hashem gives him the feeling that the intelect is correct.

עונג is the נשמה of חכמה

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