Friday, January 15, 2010

Absorbed in light – more than brothers

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/15/10 Friday 29 Tevet 5770 

Tifferes is constant and is the essence of the light and absorbed within it.

In our world there is no essence. Everything is relative to everything else. There is no essential being. Avraham avinu searched for the source, and began his search by looking for this source from within the world. He discovered that the essence and creator of the world is outside and beyond the world.

This is the case with everything in the world - “it did not make itself”.

Etzem of sechel of man is that when a person sees a table, he does not see a plain table – he sees the maker of the table – he sees that this is a human creation. Like entering a hall set up for guests, you see directly the simcha. You know the truth of it not indirectly. You see its source. Without its source it is a non-entity.

Chitzonius hakav is also related to ohr ein sof, but in a manner that is recognized as such – indirectly. The pnimius is always absorbed in its source. This pnimius is constant throughout the seder hishtalshalus.

Recognition of the essence of the ohr, points to the essential presence which is not the ohr, not what it is, but why it is.

How is pnimius haohr still absorbed in its source? Because it represents its source wherever it is.

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