Sunday, April 30, 2017

“Soul View” p67

“The soul has a different kind of sechel/mind.  it is not based on scarcity or contrast.  it seeks and finds Godliness in different contexts.”

“Soul View” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at 3rd to last page, starting, “b’helem…”.  [P 52 of the book]

In the pure sechel/mind as it comes from the master is the view as it comes directly from the soul. 

In the body, the soul ask for something it can relate to.  the body offers something ‘tasty’ and the soul asks for more.  The body may even offer mathematics and the soul asks for chassidus. 

The soul has a different kind of sechel/mind.  it is not based on scarcity or contrast.  it seeks and finds Godliness in different contexts. 

In the brain/body the mind/sechel already needs definition and contrast. The mind as it is in soul is above definition or contrast - it is all light. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

“True & Truth; Right & Wrong; Good & Bad” p67

“From mind of the highest level devolves the outlook of the students which relates to emotions - which is a lower level.  How does this occur?”

“True & Truth; Right & Wrong; Good & Bad” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at 3rd to last page, starting, “b’helem…”.  [P 52 of the book]

From mind of the highest level devolves the outlook of the students which relates to emotions - which is a lower level.  How does this occur?

This happens because even at the highest level the emotions are present in a nascent form. 

So too regarding the light of sechel… it devolves to the level of settling into the brain, which is a physical receptacle.  

Take ‘truth’ - it is so high it can hardly be translated to a level that the brain can relate to.

Sechel/mind originates in the nefesh hamaskelet - this is then translated into the brain which is physical. 

And inside the soul there is a mind/sechel element which later allows it to settle into the brain…

Thursday, April 27, 2017

“Man in Full” p67

“The human being is a full reality.  he does not stop at mind.  He goes down to emotions/midos and action.”
“Man in Full” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at 3rd to last page, starting, “b’ha-olam…”.  [P 52 of the book]

When light comes down and finds its place in the new environment, and there’s a good fit, neither the light nor the vessel is negated.

This is due to the fact that in the light itself is an inherent ability to relate to vessels. 

Why do emotions/midos evolve from real mind in an organic fashion?  Ratzon/will precedes mind - it is a powerful expression of the reality of soul, of essence.  Ratzon cannot be explained.  Sense it in your own reality.  The ration/will encompasses the entire reality.  

The human being is a full reality.  he does not stop at mind.  He goes down to emotions/midos and action. 

What is the experience of ratzon/will?  it is a statement of the soul reality.

In the mind/sechel of the master, the emotions are already present in a subtle way. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

“Not Super Lights” p67

“In the source the lights have a certain relationship to sphirot - so when they do come to the level of vessels there is an affinity…”

“Not Super Lights” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at 5th to last page, starting, “Hillel…”.  [P 52 of the book]

In the source the lights have a certain relationship to sphirot - so when they do come to the level of vessels there is an affinity…

Hillel and Shammai tend towards kindness/chesed and severity/gevurah respectively.  This indicates that divergence of their viewpoints is not only due to their distinctive outlooks, but due a subtle element of kindness & severity inherent in the higher teaching of their master [they were both students of one outlook - that of Shmaya ve Avtaly’on].

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

“Furnished Home” p67

“The lights fit the vessels, and inherent in the light is  a nascent level of definition…”

“Furnished Home” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at last paragraph, starting, “umnum…”.  [P 52 of the book]

We looked at the instance where the spirit of Moses was translated through the elders to provide meat for the people. 

What does meat have to do with Moses on any level?  Mercy for the needy includes every kind of assistance that can be given to them.  A home is not just 4 walls.  It is the reality of a person in the world and thus includes all amenities…

The lights include everything that can be beneficial, and it gets reduced to a level that is appropriate to the vessels.

Due to the lights having the 10 sphirot in essence, they can match and fit the vessels/keilim.  This is like all the furnishings contained in the initial concept of the home.  The human spirit is imbued into all the furnishings of the home.  

The lights fit the vessels, and inherent in the light is  a nascent level of definition…

Monday, April 24, 2017

“Translated” p67

“All that exists is within a Godly presence… but how does that translate on a worldly level?  Through the process of point, line, and plane, the Godly element takes on a certain worldly quality…”

“Translated” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at line 8, starting, “Mislabshim…”.  [P 51 of the book]

At the level of shetach/field the lights are enclothed in vessels. 

All that exists is within a Godly presence… but how does that translate on a worldly level?  Through the process of point, line, and plane, the Godly element takes on a certain worldly quality…

Sunday, April 23, 2017

“Switch” p67

“If you lose sight of the purpose, then it is an abuse of the faculty.  If you keep the purpose in mind then it connects back to the top.  You have to keep in mind that it is ‘the soul impact, on a functional level…’”

“Switch” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at line 7, starting, “…adayan…”.  [P 51 of the book]

We are talking about the way a point becomes a line, with the reduction of light… yet the content at the level of line/kav is still heavily influenced by the point/nekudah.

It has the quality of pshitus/simplicity. 

The faculty is reduced to the point that it can be identified from an external perspective.  it is now on the level of shetach/field.  it is a switch.  it is in a vessel.  Its origin is not clear. 

The level of ‘what can you do with this?’ - the level of application is shetach/field, where lights are in vessels…

If you lose sight of the purpose, then it is an abuse of the faculty.  If you keep the purpose in mind then it connects back to the top.  You have to keep in mind that it is ‘the soul impact, on a functional level…’

Nothing just moves.  it is always going somewhere.  There is always intent.  Something falling, is actually the thing going to its target.  Nothing is ever devoid of a Godly spirit.     

Friday, April 21, 2017

“You Stand” p67

“Think of the human stance.  it is a human attribute.  it is a point of truth.”

“You Stand” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at line 7, starting, “…adayan…”.  [P 51 of the book]

We are correlating the 3 levels of light to the progression from point to line to plane.

light is not an easy concept - it cannot be grasped.  it is a non-entity.  it is the impact of the presence of the essence.  

The sun illuminates the world - it seems to do it by sending a ray of light… this is a worldly explanation.  This is false.  The effect of the sun is not its ray, but rather its presence.  

Light is like a point - a principle beyond grasp and real definition.

When you delve into this point you can discern content…

Think of the human stance.  it is a human attribute.  it is a point of truth.  You can examine it and realize there is a kav/line that extends from this point.  There is impact that results from this point.  A man is free to use his hands - they are not being used for support.  

The kav/line is an extension from the point/nekudah.  

The plane/shetach is what follows - it is the effect on the external domain.  even when the progression is at this level the human element is still present. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Be Inspired - Point, Line, & Plane...

Rabbi Paltiel is away for Pesach...  he wishes everyone a kosher and festive Pesach...

In this video from R' Ginsburgh touches on the topic of kav/line (a theme we are dealing with in our classes) is addressed.  Also happiness is discussed - this was a main theme in yesterday's farbrengen with R' Abba Paltiel...

Friday, April 7, 2017

“You’re Not Alone” p67

“Nothing exists on its own.  The world does not create stuff.  Yes, light settles into the world, nonetheless the concept of light remains Godly - it is a Godly creation. ”

“You’re Not Alone” p67

Nissan 5777

P 67 [of the pamphlet] at line 7, starting, “…adayan…”.  [P 51 of the book]

We are correlating the 3 levels of light to the progression from point to line to plane.

Today we’ll discuss shetach - which is a plane or field.

In the line, the content surfaces.  The light is reduced in this phase.  If the light is in full glory nothing else is seen.  In the line there are points… 

And the points in the line remain in essential simplicity.

In the field the lights are dressed in the vessels.  The presence is now identifiable as it is, in the place where it is present. 

The lights become identifiable as entities rather than as speaking exclusively of their source, according to the reality of the vessels.  

And now the lights are no longer in a state of purity as they were previously.  Now they are at the level of the vessels.

And they can effect the creation of worlds according to the level of the vessels...

Now the lights give place for the world - giving inspiration from their source in a worldly environment…

Nothing exists on its own.  The world does not create stuff.  Yes, light settles into the world, nonetheless the concept of light remains Godly - it is a Godly creation. 

An example of this was the way the spirit of Moses settled on the elders.  And his light was reduced to the level where the elders were able to relate to the people’s request for meat… 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

“Reality Beyond Mind” p67

“Our preferance is to define things to the level of grasp.  That’s fine, but there needs to be an element of caution.  
The caution: think of this - the furnishings in your home do not ‘occupy space’, they complement the function, reality, and purpose of your home.”

“Reality Beyond Mind” p67


P 67 [of the pamphlet] at line 7, starting, “…adayan…”.  [P 51 of the book]

We are looking at how the progression of point, line, and field [plane] represent the 3 levels of light we had discussed previously.

We are talking about the fav/line - one way the line works is to draw from the point into your own level, the other way is an exposition of the content of the point without grasp and understanding.

This is a contraction of the light [though the impact of the essence remains].  

Our preferace is to define things to the level of grasp.  That’s fine, but there needs to be an element of caution.  

The caution: think of this - the furnishings in your home do not ‘occupy space’, they complement the function, reality, and purpose of your home.  

Never lose the reality and meaning. 

The point/nekudah focusses on the reality itself, without defining elements…  This is above sechel/mind

The fav/line already relates to seckel/mind. 

the line is an exposure of the contents of the point.  it involves a lessening of light but remains in the level of simplicity.

The third level - the light has an impact on a vessel.  The light unites with the vessel, but the light always remains connected to the source.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

“Point of Light p67”


P 67 [of the pamphlet] at line 4, starting, “…mufshat…”.  [P 51 of the book]

4 lines from the top of the page 

The point becomes a line.  

Tne way this happens is to bring the point to a lower level.

The other way is for the details to be exposed [but not brought down to context] - i.e. the revelation remains in the level of purity of the original point…

Principally the nekudah/point is the first exposure of the light… it has the full purity of the infinite light… and subsequently it goes into a fav/line.

This means the content of the nekuda/polnt is exposed…

Light is the impact of the presence of the essence.  It has an impact without any action nor consequence.  The impact is that there is reality. 

The point has the full impact of this light.  The kav exposes the light… and there is less impact of the presence of the essence… the effects and faculties come to focus…

In the line things become more defined, yet still remain described in terms of their source so the simplicity/pshitus is preserved.

A demand of deeper chassidus is to understand what you don’t understand.  It makes sense, but cannot be grasped.