Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How can revelation come from essence?

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/6/09 Wednesday 20 Tevet 5770

On page 8 – “shyach”, 3 lines below the middle.

How can ohr come from etzem? Ohr is metzius davar. Ohr doesn't come from atzmus itself, not from the level where it is true unto itself, it comes from the level of atzmus that is true universally, to the outside too. The inner level is ein without a level of yesh at all.

We can look at the mashal of the sun (allowing for the limitations of the mashal). The sun is an essence/etzem of illumination. Wherever the sun is automatically becomes light. What is etzem illuminator. The sun is light through and through (unlike a candle). The sun is self-created light. Something that has this quality of essence, cannot relate to anything else. From the external level of the sun – illumination is provided to the world. The outside is considered when looking at outside that does not experience the truth of what you are. This is the effect of the sun.

Thus the metzius of atzmus is ein, that doesn't make a statement. That statement only exists externally.

In the nimshal one could ask, but there is nothing outside of Him. Part of Him is the universal truth, that is a statement for “outside”.

The fullness of etzem is that there cannot be any other way and externality is not acknowledged, but even at the most external level it is the same – this is shleimus ha-etzem.

Ban is something which expresses itself, makes itself known, as opposed to being internal to itself.

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