Thursday, January 14, 2010

Inside, outside and beauty

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/14/10 Thursday 28 Tevet 5770

10 line from top of page 9 – line starts “leachar”.

Chitzoni of the kav represents the sense of being outside the essence. All originates in the source, so where does this “external” principle arise? It is from malchus of ohr ein sof. The principle of malchus is to spread forth – it shows how the king includes a presence outside of his own.

Things have an inner truth and a universal truth. Things being true universally, is formed when you have the vessel without the ohr. This is like a conceptualization, that is developed till it can be built, and then it can acquire a presence without it being connected to its source. To do that the idea has to have been developed in a way that it will stand in reality outside its source.

Why does he have a chitzoni? Because he has a pnimius.

The pnimius is so true it overflows into the chitzonius. Man has a sense of movement and dominion over the world, and hence invents a motor car! Chitzonius is representative of pnimius, yet there is a clear demarcation line. Tzimzum means you can identify things separate from their source.

Tifferes is a central line. It remains constant at all points. Tifferes is the root of pnimius hakav.

Because of the tifferes / beauty the kav can be drawn down. Similar to malchus that extends beyond itself, tifferes is not just the presence of the malchus, but the very essence of the king. Tifferes goes from the top to the bottom and doesn't change. Tifferes depicts, “what this ohr is about”. Tifferes is a giving, and the kind of giving that continues to be connected to its source.

The sense of the pnimius of the kav is “what it stands for” and thus it cannot be severed or be influenced by tzimzum.

Tifferes is rooted in daas, which is rooted in kesser. Tifferes is the middle, neither left nor right. How does tifferes incorporate left and right? Tifferes is also a middah, but of a different nature. It measures not, how “I express”, but how the essence expresses itself.

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