Friday, January 1, 2010

New mind

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 12/31/09 ThursdayNight 14 Tevet 5770

Bottom third of page 7. Last line. 

There is hamshacha/flow according to seder hishtalshalus, and one outside the ordered flow. The difference is understood my looking at mochin chadashin (new mind) – mochin/mind reflects that which is higher than world – conceptualization of the truth. Mochin relates to the essential truth. To explain to the world – “what is your essence and what are you here for” - mochin is gilui ha-elokus. That is why only human beings have mochin – animals are part of the world.

What is this mochin chadasha? This new mind? (When you eat a piece of bread, the experience (this is middot) of eating doesn't mind if it is your bread or stolen, but from the perspective of mochin it makes an enormous difference). When mochin comes into middot it is new there. Only mochin can make novel distinctions there.

Middot derive there life force from mochin. That seems to say there is already mochin. Yes, true, but there is a novelty – something added to the picture of the mochin that already exists in middot.

Even when there is flow from the essence of chochmah and binah it is still not considered hischadshut / novelty. It is known that there is essential mochin and mochin that relates to middot. Mochin be-etzem is the recognition of the essence of the inyan. This is an amazing thing – to have a grasp not according to one's own existence, but rather as it is to itself. Mochin that relates to middot relates to “what is so good about this thing”.

A bitul in the mochin keeps it from going off track. This is a sense of coming from kesser. Popular psychology on the other hand primarily focused on what makes one feel good. Externality of the mochin can be taken where the effect of kesser will not be sensed.

Here's a video of a song Chunah recorded after the shiur:

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