Tuesday, September 9, 2014

“Above Life” p: 72(6)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 14 Elul, 5774 

Page 72(6)

At middle of second section of the page (line begins, “chayut...”) For text, click: Here or see below.

We are looking at how light comes from essence. Essence is beyond the realm of light and affecting things external to it...

So how does light and revelation come from the essence...

At essence the soul is above the level of 'giving life'.

The soul reveals itself in 5 different levels. Even though yechidah is of an essential nature, the essence of the soul is beyond this level.

'Name' indicates real presence. A reality in its own right. And yechidah is one of the names of the levels of the soul. This level has a name, and a very high name – a level devoid of external effects and needs. The essence of the soul is above name.

1 comment:

  1. Main points I remember from the class:
    • Essence of the neshama is completely removed from all levels of all levels of ohr, which includes giving life to the body and all the names of the soul (nefesh, ruach, neshama, chaya and even yechida) and even kochos atzmiim (which are not separately identifiable outside the essence).
    • The fact that essence is removed even from yechida was emphasized. Even though yechida represents a singularity of focus on G-dliness, essence is of a completely different realm.
    • We spoke about the significance of a name and how before Adam ha rishon had a wife he didn’t have a name. Even though he had tremendous abilities, he didn’t deserve to have a name until he represented a ‘reality.’ This reality means that he was similar to his Creator, meaning that he himself could create. He wasn’t just finite.
    • We related this to a teacher/student. The teacher’s greatest hope is that the student himself becomes a teacher and not just remain a receiver. If the student becomes a teacher this means that the teacher has transmitted the real spirit. Now the student too can create.

    What struck me:
    • Whatever the essence is (can’t define it), it is completely impervious to any worldly experience. It can’t be damaged. It remains true no matter what happens. It is completely solid.
    • A student should strive to understand and bring out in his own words his teacher’s teachings.
    • A human being is truly worthy of his name when he is a creator. There are actions that can be defined in the realm of creating and there are those that are in the realm of reacting. Creative actions are those that we initiate from our own inspired ratzon, seichel, etc. We impact the world rather than merely survive how it impacts us. When we are in survival mode, it is important to recognize that this is only the external aspect of ourselves. Our real selves see things from the perspective of being above the world and see how that ‘above the world’ can be reflected in the world.
