Thursday, November 6, 2014

“At The Table” p:72(13)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 13 Cheshvan 5775

Page 72(13)

At about the middle of the page – (line begins: 'de ohr ein sof...') For text see below.

There has to be a limitation in the light for the world to come into being.

For the light to relate to world it has to undergo a fundamental change.

'Light' means objects are able to present themselves 'as they are', rather than as they affect us... Light heralds 'significance' and 'purpose'... When you see a table in light, it is not 'something you bumped against in the dark'; it is seen for what it is – indicative of man's royalty...

A table occupies a place in your home due to its 'spiritual significance'. And if it breaks it will be fixed... because the structure is subservient to it's meaning.

Light originates from the Godly light.

At the level of 'will' things 'happen automatically'. For this to be translated onto a worldly platform it needs to undergo a contraction/tzimtzum.

The Baal Shem Tov says, 'in the place one wants to be, that's where he is' – and the 'place' is a soul element. To translate that to a physical place a contraction/tzumtzum is needed... and a process of concealment and revelation needs to take place...

A teacher teaches the student material he can grasp. The mentor/mashpia raises the student to a new level... His own mind/sechel is totally remote from that of the recipient, so it is imperative that he conceals the light of his mind/sechel internally from himself... He makes as if he doesn't understand the topic... He reduces himself to the level of the student, because if not for that there would be no communication between them...

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