Thursday, November 13, 2014

“You Can Bet Your Life On It!” p:72(13)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 20 Cheshvan 5775 

Page 72(13)

At about middle of the page – (line begins: 'mayhakodem...') For text see below.

The level of sechel/mind is always debatable. By contrast the student takes as absolute the word of his mentor/mashpia.

This is because this word/sechel is drawn directly from his soul, which is absolute.

For this reason the mentor has to limit his sechel so it can be presented. Without the limit, there is 'no question' and it is beyond presentation.

Think of a person who sees living a Torah life as burdensome. The Torah mentor says to him, “we are celebrating life instead of celebrating body and bodily experience. We celebrate life! This is an encapsulation of the whole principle of Godliness in the world. This is a minute encapsulation.”

He is able to point out to the student that life if superior to body. And the student may concur and say, 'without life the body wouldn't last'. But life is beyond this. Life is more precious than body. The value of life is not your experience through the body. It is life per se.

The mashpia connects the student back to the truth. And this is the only thing that is real.

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