Sunday, November 9, 2014

“You Sing; Rain Falls” p:72(13)

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel 17 Cheshvan 5775 

Page 72(13)

At about quarter from end of the page – (line begins: 've-al yeday zeh...') For text see below.

We are looking at how the reduction of the light allows for it to be spread at a lower level.

We said that the mentor/mashpia removes his sechel/mindfulness before relating to the student.

The essence of the human being is his soul... from this essence emanates a light. This is sechel – mind. And then there are emotions/midot. Sechel/mind is exclusively human.

And the father is the mentor of the family. And the father has to go through training to become the real husband and father... There has to be the clear sense in the home that each member is of utmost importance and has his own place in the home... each child gets a sense of the reality of their own existence – he knows 'he's for real'. This prepares him for life. And then he faces challenges and it is a birur and a great accomplishment...

When a child makes a bracha properly a big fuss should be made about it – celebrated. And if he does not make the bracha properly we try to ignore it (rather than punish and criticize which throws him backwards).

As a result of the contraction/tzimtzum, the light surfaces on a level that it can be communicated to the recipient.

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