Tuesday, May 12, 2015

“Soul and Hand” p:12/10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 12 of pamphlet – (at 3 lines from the end of the page. Line begins: 've-zeh hu...'). Page 10 of the book. For text see below.

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Light does not understand vessels and the vessels do not understand light. The principle of the light is its source. It says, 'here is the essence'. The principle of a vessel is its own being. It says, 'here I am, you can't ignore me!'

Essence needs no explanation.

And yet the light and vessel correlate perfectly. The light wants to be in the vessel. It is its mission to come down to a vessel. It is its Godly mission.

The soul gives life to the body. And this is a Godly phenomenon. They both want to do God's will and for this reason they unify. Without this they would not be able to 'say hullo to each other...!'

The physical represents 'being and not being in the same instant'. It is constantly being brought into being. There is no inherent reason for it being there.

Life is true, not if you 'take it', but only if it is coming from the Source and it breathed into you...”


  1. Creation is constantly being brought into being. How would it be like the table that one bumps into and realizes that it's in their way? Poof! All of a sudden there's a table. Where did it come from? When we learn about creation from nothing, we learn that it's the creator who causes this phenomenon. Are we perhaps to say that the table always existed? And that the way to look at things is supposed to be from a higher perspective than something from nothing? If so, how would we "reconcile" that with the fact that something from nothing is a G-dly phenomenon?

    1. Hi! We have reviewed your question a number of times. We are not sure if we understand correctly. Please clarify.
