Monday, May 4, 2015

“Text & Context” p:13/10

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Nissan 5775 

Page 13 of pamphlet – (about halfway into the page. Line begins: 'pe-oolot...'). Page 10 of the book. For text see below.

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Life is not all about your experience.

It is about what God wants.

It is only when you go to the depths of reality, that you can see how which shoe you put on first and other directives in halacha are what is real...

There are 2 scales in measuring things. One is within their own setting, and the other is within a higher context.

Yes, you have to achieve and do well at work and in the world, but you have to keep in mind the main goal – raising your children and supporting the family. And where does this goal come from? From an even higher goal – seriving your Creator. In this way you realize a truth beyond yourself.

The human being has a very special presence in the world. This is seen in the details of his life and in his very stance. It shows that he is not based on world. He is based on his spirit and mission. This is what keeps him standing erect.

In the world it is much more comfortable to lounge around and lie on the floor. But man stands up...

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