Thursday, June 30, 2016

“Know Yourself” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 46 of the pamphlet – (at 7th line from end of the page. Line starts: 've-ichur...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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If the light came from the source 'as it is' then they would not be able to serve as regular faculties, which are ohr pnimi – internalized light.

Man has been given the ability to know himself.

The functioning and pnimi level is substantiated by the hidden level. Every faculty you have is rooted in the hidden/ganuz realm.

If the light as it is in essence was revealed it would not be appropriate for the world.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

“His Own Mistakes” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 46 of the pamphlet – (at below halfway into the page. Line starts: 've-ichur...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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In the hidden faculties there is no particular order. They are all representative of the source. This is unlike the way the revealed faculties work.

For the revealed faculties the element of mind/mochin is revealed first. This refers to the emanation of the element of wisdom and understanding (chochmah and binah).

And from these come the midot/emotions.

Only when the effect of the chochmah and binah is reduced, are the elements of emotion (za) emanated.

This is due to the fact that the emotive sphirot are drawn from and receive impetus from the higher sphirot.

The dining room table is preceded by the dining room.

The context precedes the thing.

You have compassion on another, because you have a sense of the reality of life.

For light to be in a vessel, it needs to have a clear demarcation and self identity.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

“Equal Representation” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776  

Page 46 of the pamphlet – (at halfway into the page. Line starts: 'mekablim...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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We are talking of 2 types of faculties – revealed and hidden.

Revealed functioning faculties have a root. They are rooted in the concealed faculties.

Your faculties and abilities (writing, walking, talking etc) were not born at the level where they function. They originate at a level closer to the essence.

The hidden faculties are beyond process. They are drawn from the essence of the soul.

They have no gradations. They all are equal representatives of the soul/nefesh.

On the revealed level there is a sequence – there are gradations. First comes the revelation of mind/mochin.

What is so unique about mochin that it facilitates the revelation of all the other faculties? Mochin/mind is like sight. It is knowledge of the reality, in contrast to the faculty of touch. Sechel/mind has to do with how things are unto themselves.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

“Soul Powers; Choose Life!” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 46 of the pamphlet – (at quarter into the page. Line starts: 'ka-asher...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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We are talking of 2 types of faculties – revealed and hidden.

Revealed faculties need an environment/context.

Hidden faculties seem to be 'self sustaining'.

You have hidden faculties that do not depend on external expression. They are completely within the soul.

You can lose sight of life, which is a Godly element, and not worldly at all. Life is what sustains the world. This is beyond comprehension, but we can recognize its importance and presence and how to treasure it....!

In the world anything not known on the basis of experimentation is dismissed as 'just imagination'. This is criminal.

Mochin/mind provides a sense of reality and emotions follow – this is how the revealed faculties work.

The hidden faculties work differently. For them, 'the fire does not need fuel'. They come to expression all at once, without any order.

Friday, June 24, 2016

“More Than Personal” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 46 of the pamphlet – (at 6th line of the page. Line starts: 'kulam...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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revelation works in a gradual fashion. First comes revelation of the mind from the soul. Later the emotions follow.

Mochin/mind identifies 'there is something' / 'there is a reality'. And midot [emotions] deal with 'how I relate to it'.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

“Simple Light” p:46

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 46 of the pamphlet – (at 3rd line of the page. Line starts: 'vehinay...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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Imagine light that does not have a source. It is called simple light [ohr pashut].

The physical world cannot produce light without a fuel. But light is a Godly principle. And he can create the principle without its vessel, without its means of presentation. This is the light that was made on day one. It was a light to contrast darkness. Pure light.

With this light Adam could see 'from one end of the world to the other'.

Simple light could not stay in the world. It negates the worldly perspective.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

“Simple Man” p:45-6

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (at about 5 lines frm the end of the page. Line starts: 'pshitus...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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When something is in a state of simplicity/pshitus, it is not there due to 'its own making', but rather due to the essence.

Chochmah is the essential reality that a person experiences.

It is an expression of the essence of the soul.

It is like sight, which is beyond process – just being part of the reality – pshitus/simplicity.

We live in a time where people question chochmah and thereby create intellectual invalids.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

“True Man” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (at about last quarter of the page. Line starts: 'heyoto...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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There is a Godly flintston and a physical stone.

There is the view of a man as he is physically and then there is his Godly form. The Godly qualities are an 'add-on' to the human being?! No. It is all part of the term 'man/adam'.

Yet there is the reductionist view, that can reduce man to the physical systems and organs. All these systems do not add up to what the human being is. The human being is a Godly definition.

The term man/adam includes all the qualities of the human being is.

We are not smart, because we have developed wisdom. We are endowed with wisdom. Nurturing sechel/mind does not create it – it only draws it from its source in the soul.

The world is a Godly creation, not a worldly presence.

We have been talking about the flint stone and its spark to get the sense in inclusion without the presence of a secondary entity... This is a contradiction in terms and possible only due to it being a Godly creation...

We have also been speaking of original man – supernal man (adam kadmon). This is also a self-contradictory term. Man is a creation, but kadmon mean 'original'.

Friday, June 17, 2016

“Original Man” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (at about the middle of the page. Line starts: 've-im-ken...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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Contrast a worldly view, where things struggle to survive, with the Torah perspective, where everything, from men to tables is rooted in the Source of sources.

We are looking at the term adam kadmon (original/pristine man), which is a contradiction in terms.

The first thought does not have a cause. He is a true being encompassing past present and future.

Identification of beauty is based on the element of truth in man's soul.

The first thought that arose to make the world arose in the truth of Him. And He imbued into man an element of this truth.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

“Pristine Man” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (at about the middle of the page. Line starts: 'hachalomish...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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Think of this: it is a challenge to our thoughts, but not to our soul; in the world our perception it seems that prior to something being there, nothing was present. In truth things find their place since infinity preceded them and facilitates their existence. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

“More Real Than Fact” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Photo: Larry Hirshowitz

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (about the 10th line of the page. Line starts: 'heder...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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Chassidus presents a fresh perspective. It cannot be understood using worldly logic. We understand it on its own terms.

It is a great transformation. It results in a far richer perspective.

“Invited; Fire In The Stone” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (5th line of the page. Line starts: 'hasphirot...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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We are looking at 2 levels of simplicity/pshitus.

The fact that there are 10 sphirot is due to intention, not just on account of revelation.

And they remain bound to the essence and hence have simplicity as does their source.

The human being represents a fundamental presence in the world. He has a primary presence. This illustrates simplicity/pshitus.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

“In God's World” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (4th line of the page. Line starts: 'mechiyav...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

“Whale Watching” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Photos: Larry Hrshowitz
Page 45 of the pamphlet – (4th line of the page. Line starts: 'mechiyav...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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The 10 sphirot point to the issue of illumination within limitation.

In contrast to how it is within its source.

Yes, it is 10, but it is still in a status of pshitus/simplicity. It is within the gilui/revelation – that is, it is inherent.

When we look at the world, we see reality. This is what you see with your chochmah. There is beauty itself, that precedes description of 'how it works'. He made it with beauty for a reason. It says, 'this beauty points beyond what you are looking at. It indicates the Maker'.

We must be unafraid to accept what our eyes show us. And on top of that layer we can develop an understanding of how it works.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

“Stages in Infinity” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776

Photo: Larry Hirshkowitz

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (3rd line of the page. Line starts: 'bivchinat...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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The sphirot represent the gilui/revelation element of the ohr/light.

Gilui means expressing what the light is – this is an external presentation. There is an expression of what it is, with unlimited sphirot. Then there is the expression that is intended to be effective in an environment of limitation – and in that revelation there are 10 sphirot.

Monday, June 6, 2016

“Light Revealed” p:45

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Iyar 5776 

Page 45 of the pamphlet – (1st line of the page. Line starts: 'ku...') [page 34 in the book]. For text see below.

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