Wednesday, October 4, 2017

“The Heart Relates” p90

“You have a sense of reality, beyond experience.  You walk on a finite world and it feels infinite.“

“The Heart Relates” p90

Menachem Av 5777

P 90 [of the new pamphlet] below the middle of the page - line starting “be’b’chinat…”  [P 68 of the book]

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Your presence is in your home even when you are not there - it is a reflection [ha-arah] of you.

The process of cause and effect exists at the level of ha-arah.

And the ‘cause’ in ‘cause and effect’ is only a reflection.  This is because a luminary and its light are not in a cause and effect relationship.

Light is the revelation of its luminary, but it has no comprehension of it.  By contrast the ball ‘understands’ the movement of the hand to throw it.

The emotions/middot also have a comprehension of their source - ‘the understanding is (translated) into the heart’.

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