Sunday, October 8, 2017

“Water & Wine” p90

“You have a sense of reality, beyond experience.  You walk on a finite world and it feels infinite.“

“Water & Wine” p90

Menachem Av 5777

P 90 [of the new pamphlet] at lower quarter of the page - line starting “hitlabshut…”  [P 68 of the book]

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What is the meaning of ‘luminary’ to us?  What does it matter if you have light or the luminary?

The human being is very real.  He is the center of the world - he is ‘what the world is about’.  His presence is primary, but his behavior is very significant too…

This is like the comparison between water and wine… there is no joy like the ‘water libation’, yet it has no taste and no color…!  Water represents chochmah/wisdom.  And wine represents binah/understanding…

A luminary is a source… a Godly reality itself… like a living spring of water… 

Light is a revelation from the luminary.  It is not just a functional element.  

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