Thursday, May 2, 2019

“No War” p150

“There is an inherent reality and all that occurs is only a manifestation of this.”  
P 150 (of the pamphlet) At last paragraph of the page.  Line starts, “v’al pi…” [P109 of the book] 

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There is a war with the animal soul.

And you ‘go out to war’… this ‘going out’ alludes to the principle that as long as you have the cognizance of the ohr makif there is no war. 

Initially God made light, and not a luminary.  Light is a primary creation and not a secondary effect.

A real bright room, or a bright world, ‘shows itself to you’ [as opposed to being illuminated]. 

Things become bright if the essence of light is present.  

Then things ‘show themselves’ to you.

Ohr Makif is the presence of this essence.

Light is that which brings the presence of the Source of light.  And thereby things show themselves to you.

Light represents the luminary.  And there are two aspects i] being owned by the luminary, and ii] an internalized light - it tells you not just, ‘i am here’ but how you relate to it. 

Light is a very unique reality.  It exists only due to the source.  The light rules the area. 

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