Monday, July 20, 2009

Connections within the highest level

Aeter with R' Paltiel 7/20/09 Wednesday 28 Tammuz 5769

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Looking at the matters in avodah that represent these two levels of malchus, which is two levels of knesset yisroel.

It can also be said that the two levels of avodah can be seen as metzach le za, which is ratzon levad and of shabbos it is ratzon that also includes tynug.

It is possible that to say that za is connected with atik. This explains that malchus is called shchina. Malchus connects atik/kesser with biya. Ratzon itself is an illusive concept.

Previously we looked at the connection between the highest levels and this world. In this section we looked at that connection within the highest level.
Binah allows middos to connect to ohr ha sechel. Daas is what imbues the sechel into the middos.

When there is additional light in mochin then there can be gilui mochin in za.
Malchus is called shchina, since it connects the etzem of atzilus and biya.

The point of this discussion is that when we speak of connection the upper to the lower, and there is a means of connection, though practically speaking it seems that the connection is by the lower level, but really there is a connection with the essence itself. Mochin increases so greatly that it can affect middos and za.


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