Aeter with R' Paltiel 7/22/09 Wednesday 1 Menachem Av 5769
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Just as it is with malchus of atzilus, that it not only descends, but it gives of itself – so too with the malchus of ein sof.
Just as malchus becomes atik for briya, and thus the creation exists “before it exists” – it has a primary existence even though it is a creation.
Atzilus vs briah. Atzilus is also a world, but not a created world. It is ohr and revelation, but it is the ohr as it comes straight from the source. In atzilus there is the sense that this is also elokus – the light carries a primary presence. There is atzilus de briah and atzilus de klalus. At a much higher level, it is called malchus de ein sof.
Briah de klalus is called a creation relative to the atzilus de klalus.
This overall atzilus is the ohr ein sof before the tzimzum and malchus de ohr ein sof becomes atik for ak.
We have no grasp of these inyanim whatsoever, but in relative terms as comparison between levels, that we can speak about: original machshavah that ani emloch, refers to a state where there are no giluim.
Myself before any revelation. To use a mashal for etzem we use the sun, but the sun has to make light. It doesn't have a choice and it doesn't have an etzem that is beyond making light. Since the shemesh is an essence of ohr and doesn't come from consuming a wick, therefore the inyan of light in the shemesh originates not a the point of production, but in its essence.
The ohr is mushrash in the essence of the sun. there it is the etzem. The sun is a physical entity, but we can project the concept that the light exists in the sun not because that is what it produces, but because that is what the sun is.
This is a means to relate to “ana emloch” - there is no malchus, only etzem, but in the ana itself there is the root for it (it doesn't have the limitation that it can't exist without it). This starts the whole process. At this level there is no giluim, and tzimzum came to satisfy this...
Ana emloch – the inyan of melucha needs there to be something separate/outside.
Here we can see atik more clearly, the inyan of worlds have a root in the very essence itself – not at some lower “functional” level.
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