Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Even in our world...

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 6/9/10 Wednesday 27 Sivan 5770

Page 31. Around a the middle of the page. Line starts, “min ha kesser...”

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

Above, the beginning is hidden in the concealed sphirot. The 10 sphirot are a description of the process of revelation. Chochmah is the origin point, bringing it down into sechel, midot and malchus.

This process is in place for ohr, not for essence, which is the point of truth, yet even there, the 10 sphirot are hidden. This is due to the principle that this ohr-ein sof has the capacity to be revealed.

One of the indicators of the perfection of ohr ein sof is that it is able to be revealed.

Even in our world which is circumstantial, there is a representation of and relation to truth.

In G-dliness, everything tends to rise towards its source. The daas and the binah continually depend on the chochmah. This also translates in physicality – objects fall to the ground, since it is their source. Source means, that which provides for a broader basis for its existence. The whole reality is experiencing a constant re-unification with its source in atzilus. The earth is representative of Torah, more than anything.

The essence element cannot be expressed in the other sphirot except for chochmah. Chochmah can receive the etzem without it being nimshach. It can see it as it is. It doesn't have to translate it into its own terms.

... וחיי עולם

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