AyinBase with R' Paltiel 6/1/10 Tuesday 19 Sivan 5770
Page 30. Around the lower quarter of the page. Line starts, “she-poalim biglui...”
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Revealed powers are drawn from concealed powers in the soul. Every functioning power of the human being does not exist only on the functioning level. Your hand is part of you, you don't have the sense of using a tool to accomplish something. But the hand is an external power that is not constantly functioning, but the reason we don't feel it to be external is that it is rooted in an inner power, a higher hidden power in the soul.
Chochmah is the conscious source of all that follows in the human expression, all the way down to action. Each koach follows from the one above and is rooted in the chochmah. The hand does not take its instruction from chochmah, but from that which is immediately above it – the middot.
It is not that the chochmah provides just the ability to do something, it provides for the whole gilui phase.
The hidden powers are not part of a hierarchy. Each receives directly from the nefesh itself. The strenght/decisiveness is equal in each, and they don't restrain each other. There is no order and levels. They all come forth equally and simultaneously. They are all representative of nefesh, rather than functioning kochot.
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