AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/31/10 Monday 18 Sivan 5770
Page 30. Around the lower third of the page. Line starts, “madrega she-be-biyah...”
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Ohr ein sof is dressed in atzilus and the tynug is drawn down into the lower worlds. An essential reality, an essential truth comes down to the world and if not for this, these lower worlds would just be a facade of an existence.
The 10 sphirot are the revealed source for the lower worlds – the 10 are the ohr ein sof coming into revelation. gilui/revelation is the bringing out of the content.
A person can have a fleeting thought, and then if he wants to express it, it takes, comparatively, a long time. There are two aspects – the thought itself and the content. Only that which is expressible can come into revelation.
The soul has hidden powers/faculties. When a person speaks he uses his revealed faculty of speech. Prior to speaking, he is not saying anything. Speech seems to be created when he meets another person and he needs to say something. From his own internal perspective, if it is just due to the encounter with another, then he's just being forced into a state that is not intrinsic. But speech is not created at this stage of the encounter. Internally, before any encounter a person can relate to others. Speech reveals an inherent truth.
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... וחיי עולם
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