AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/16/10 Sunday 3 Sivan 5770
Page 29. in the middle of the page. At the line starting “tynug gadol ve niflah”. Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.
The mind's eye of the heart – what is it?
A pleasure – “great and wondrous”! Chochmah and emunah are an inyan of bitul – there is no personal experience. You are observing something exquisite, but without personal experience. With sechel you make progress and then later step back and see how sechel reaches its goals – the pleasure is in the activity. The mind's eye that is in the heart is different. The heart sees it and experiences it. It has pleasure in the thing itself. This is a superior element of the heart. Sechel takes it through bitul and the heart through yeshut. Oneg is all positive and the heart relates to this. The heart is a yesh that can relates to the truth – it is a yeshut that follows bitul. It is a yeshus of elokus.
David the King says, “I walk with full expression, I am not humbled by anyone, 'cos I'm Your servant.” David the King was the only one who was allowed to sit in the Temple. This is a yesh that connects to the G-dly yesh.
Emunah is an element of awareness, but the heart is the experience of the G-dly presence in the person.
We always explain that kedusha is given “face to face”. There is the direct connection. The important element is not what is transmitted, but the connection. After that if a gift was given and the relationship was established. The relationship is ongoing. The giver wants the recipient to experience the gift – the real connection happens later when he actually uses the gift. You receive the gift with bitul and then when you go back to the yesh of being yourself, and now using the gift, this is when it is really experienced.
Just like the nefesh has pleasure from sight and all the kochot, so too the G-dly soul can focus on specific “kochot” - like the mind's eye gazing at the king.
Similarly in the hearing of the G-dly soul – like the singing with a sweet voice, when he reflect and experiences the greatness and wonder of Hashem.
Hassidus is big on being misbonen on gedulat Havayah, but what is it? What's the point? Gedulat Hashem? What big mountains he made? This is shocking. We are human beings and have human experiences, but we ignore it. We get into logic and descend to nothingness. What is the difference between the world you see and what the cat sees? Right away we say, hey two different worlds – I see, beauty and reality and things beyond human contemplation – this is what the human intellect can see but we are oblivious to it - “this is child's play” we say, being so preoccupied with his needs.
So when one is meditating on the gedulat/greatness of Havayah, that makes real human life possible, then he actually comes in proximity with real life. This is like shmiyah – hearing. It brings out a song that expresses that experience. Same is true of the sense of smell... Moshiach smells purity and impurity.
In all of these the G-dly soul has pleasure. World is always vulnerable/precarious. Elokus is a primary truth – the reality itself. So oneg in the worldly level is, “I'm confident that this is going to work.” Oneg on the G-dly level is completely outside this realm. It is the oneg of the reality of elokus itself. Not an oneg that is based on the absence of negativity. The nefesh elokis sees only the positive in the activities of sight, hearing and dibur. Same thing in ahavah and yirah.
For video, click here.
... וחיי עולם
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