Page 28. Lower third of the page. Line starts, “hamagid”.
We are looking at the fact that in every koach there is the underlying aspect of oneg/pleasure, which brings it out into function.
It is only due to the oneg that any midah will come out. Oneg is what activates everything.
Tynug is the deepest representative of the nefesh itself. In order for any koach to function it has to have an impetus from the nefesh. In what way are all the kochot united? Through the oneg!
The tynug spreads out to all the kochot. For example in the 4 senses – there is pleasure in the seeing of the eye. Seeing something beautiful but also just the function of the koach. We see the life of a person in his functioning. But there is also a fundamental element of life in his body. This basic life element is not an experience or a function, yet an oneg underlies that too.
Where is the pleasure of sechel? Labor of sechel seems to be like work, but when he reaches and understands he has a great oneg. But at the fundamental level there is oneg in the labor too.
So too in the lowest kochot – you cannot make a step without the element of oneg. It is all due to the fact that the pleasure/tynug is the principle of their existence and life. You can build a robot, but you cannot duplicate the pleasure of a human.
Although the oneg expresses itself in a defined manner in the koach, but it is from the tynug of the nefesh. Ultimately the nefesh has oneg. The pleasure of each koach is not independent.
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... וחיי עולם
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