AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/25/10 Tuesday 12 Sivan 5770
Page 30. About a third from the top.
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Just like this world is rooted in gan eden, ultimately everything is rooted in atzilus. Atzilus serves as an intermediary between the Creator and the creation.
Atzilus has an element that is similar to the Creator and the creation. Everything has to come from ohr ein sof hama-atzil, but it has to be by an intermediary. Atzilus is the intermediary. How does it do it? How does it relate to creation? Atzilus is some place in the middle between ohr ein sof and creation. Atzilus is the revelation of that which is concealed within the ohr ein sof.
How is this revelation of what was concealed, different from being a creation? It comes out from being completely representative of the source and not being a separate metzius, to being its own entity.
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