Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You see everything, but you see nothing

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/11/10 Tuesday 27 Iyar 5770

Page 29. About a third from from the top. At end of line starting “bichlal”.

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

All functioning kochot are originating in chochmah.

The functioning kochot are the vessels to essential lights of the nefesh. These kochot are initiated by that which is above them – essential lights.

Thus the tynug can express itself in the koach of chochmah. Since chochmah can take tynug the way it is, but with all the ramifications so that it comes to the level of specific kochot. The etzem/essence remains concealed within itself.

Gilui means that you're looking at it from the outside and this means that regardless of how profound it is, “it has to have a presence, which means 'it takes up room'”. Any expression outside means that it is not just a presence unto itself, but also a presentation beyond itself. Chochmah is the reshit hagilui – the start of this process of expression.

This is how tynug which is entirely self contained comes to affect kochot giluim/pratim. In chochmah there is the sense that this tynug can be expressed in different ways.

Everything in our world exists in space and time – it is not an etzem. Etzem is that which is true in and of itself, not because it has been shown to be true. Etzem precedes the factual existence.

Tynug is gilui of the etzem on a makif level. It is not gilui on a gilui level, it is gilui on an etzem level.

For video, click here.

... וחיי עולם

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