Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sight and life

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/26/10 Wednesday 13 Sivan 5770

Page 30. About a third from the top. Line starts, “she-nishaveh be-biyah”.

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.
The hot-water thermos was discussed, as a way to get a sense of how things become creations, distinct from their creator.

The whole world is a metaphor for a higher world. atzilus/chochmah are the intermediary level. Binah is already able to stand on its own – it has a logical structure, chochmah only exists for the person who has the “vision”.

Someone who is blind is patur from all the mitzvahs since the world is not real to him. This is a level of reality that cannot be separated from the actual presence.

Although atzilus is in a different category from biya it is still an intermediary between the ohr ein sof and the creation.

Atzilus is the revelation of ohr ein sof. This gives it a presence. This is a transformation. When hidden it is not defined, but when revealed it has 10 sphirot. This is why atzilus is the source for existence. There is a movement there and an identification of what is becoming into revelation. As this progresses things develop the ability to “stand alone” - this is existence.

This first move is the biggest – the coming into atzilus/chochmah. This is like sight – seeing the essence of the thing, yet it is not real exactly like the way the thing is real unto itself. Bear in mind that sight is not on the same level as living.

For video, click here.

... וחיי עולם

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