AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/18/10 Tuesday 5 Sivan 5770
Page 29. Lower quarter of the page. At the line starting “oneg eloki behakochot pratim”. Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.
Chochmah is a vessel for the koach of pleasure that is in the nefesh.
Chochmah brings the oneg/nefesh quality into all the kochot. Oneg represents the profound quality of nefesh itself.
Tynug is a koach – essence stays within itself. Tynug is a koach that has an essential reality and chochmah is a vessel for it.
All different creatures and down to the lowest level of the physical elements are in essence representative of some kind of a G-dly presence.
In other words, gold for instance, created underground, a metal of great value/quality, one may say is the result of certain circumstances. The result of a process. But we are saying that the very possibility of all the variety in the world, each with its quality and nature, is a certain representation of G-dliness – there is a certain reality to each entity. This is the oneg that is dressed in, and represented by each entity. No two snow flakes are alike, says the gemara, and it points to His greatness.
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