Friday, May 14, 2010

The seeing heart

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/14/10 Friday 1 Sivan 5770

Page 29. in the middle of the page. At the line starting “breiyat eyin”. Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

Sight provides a level beyond knowledged of the presence of the article. Beyond a conviction without doubt. With sight you are looking at the mehus hadavar, not the metziut.

Similarly in the nefesh ha-elokis, the gazing is knowing the King from above, as an insider. Knowing can be, “what does it mean to me?” and then there is a level, of “forget about me, what am I seeing?”

It is like viewing the sweetness of Hashem, or going up to the temple to see.

This gazing at Him creates a “great, wondrous pleasure in the mind's eye that is in the heart (eyin hasechel deblieba)”. Sechel knows the thing, but lacks personal affinity. Emunah is the fundamental element of sechel. Emunah is “i know that there is a truth, from the soul – meaning, we see a physical world that lacks truth, and is cause and effect based, but we, due to our neshamahs, know there is an element of truth. The difference between the created world and the big bang is this element of truth. Without this element of truth you are dragged into the horror story of a world without purpose.”

This emunah is the basis of sechel. This truth is in the sechel and in the heart. Mind is very perceptive, but despite the fact that it is based in a personal recognition of truth, it is something I am convinced of. In the heart on the other hand, it is “what proof? The proof is 'I'm here!'” There is no because, it is the actual experience itself.

For video, click here.

... וחיי עולם

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