Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting beyond the rock

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 6/17/10 ThursdayNight 5 Tammuz 5770 

Page 32. At the 7th line of the page. Line starts, “lehergesh ze...”

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

There can be a form/tziur that is one thing with the essence and the oneg. Even though the tziur is in a state of hafshatah (stripped of specifics) it can be sensed if there is sufficient sensitivity.

Focus on the words (in line 9), “etzem ha-inyan as it is within the etzem itself, devoid of garment and form” - this is hard for us to understand since we cannot grasp what is not defined/described. We think of a rock when we try to think of “essence” - something without form. We cannot conceive of an essence that has an “inyan”. A king is the essence of the kingdom. All that's happening has a true presence due to the existence of the king.

Anything that is essential is rooted in the true Essence. If we say in the world there is a true presence, like the existence of the human being, it is because we say the world is a creation of His. There is no essence outside of Him – everything would be just relative.

“Do not steal” represents and contains an essential truth. Everything has it's place – two snow-flakes do not touch on their path – if they collide they destroy the hold world.

In the mind's eye you have a vision of a subject, but it still makes sense, in contrast to the actual eye, which sees, irrespective of the form or “making sense”. Presently we have chochmah and in the future we will have oneg directly.

The Rebbe said, “the minute you put it in the mailbox, it has already arrived. “ The Rebbe was operating on a level beyond process – at the level of essence.

Essence is an essential principle – the principle is that we live in G-d's world. A world that just evolved from the big bang is not real and has nothing essential. G-d's world has essential value.

For video, click here.

... וחיי עולם

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