Monday, June 21, 2010

Pleasure into wisdom

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 6/21/10 Monday 9 Tammuz 5770 

Page 32. About a third from the top of the page. Line starts, “haetzem mamash...”

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.


Zohar says that in torah there is the element of garment, an element that is called a body and on all the way to the “soul of the soul”.

Garments are the stories and tales of the torah.

Body is the laws of the torah, in which are enclothed chochmah, which is the essential value that is hidden inside the decree.

Everything has its inception in elokus. Chochmah sees the ownership of objects based in elokus.

The soul is the tynug/pleasure that is hidden within the chochmah.

Oneg was given at matan torah. Mitzvot were given without reasons except for the one reason, “I am the Lord your G-d who brought you out of Egypt,” - this is the self contained pleasure. This is the oneg/source from which all funcioins. This is like the soul in the body. This is like the soul hidden in the body. This is like the will to live, which is very hidden. This is like the oneg that is hidden within chochmah.

The neshamah of the neshamah is the essential pleasure, that does not yet come into the element of chochmah.

Why the need for this if you already have the neshamah, which is a self-contained truth? That is because this neshamah comes into the form of chochmah and thus has a certain limit. This is like the space around a house, “validating” the sense of space within the house. There is a bigger reality not bounded by anything. If you lose that sense of outside reality you become claustrophobic.

The earth is hanging in space, depending on nothing, bli-mah. Behind the solidity of the floor and the ground is the foundation and this depends on the earth which is haning in space depending on nothing, but His infinity. You cannot fall off infinity.

“Soul of the soul” and the level of “soul” are basically the same, just that the soul has come into the level of chochma...

“Soul of the soul” is the level of atik, which will be revealed in the future.

For video, click here.

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 6/20/10 Sunday 8 Tammuz 5770 
Held up by nothing
Page 32. About a third from the top of the page. Line starts, “haetzem mamash...”

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

The psychologist may say everything a person does has a reason. Really a person has an element of truth in the human being, where he is able to act in a way that is completely altruistic – a pure motivation emanating from his soul.

The work of Viktor Frankl bears testimony to this – deeds that cannot be justified rationally (For video of Frankl interview, click here).

All oneg, even forbidden pleasure, is rooted in G-dliness. This is why falling for a forbidden pleasure is like dragging the head of the king into the lowest place.

In chochmah there is the pure element of oneg that has not form.

This is what enables a person to have complete freedom to decide and discern right from wrong, without any interference.

This is based on oneg – an indestructible sense – a truth that is not dependent on anything.

When we came out of Egypt at the time of Exodus, they went for three days without water, continuing on the basis of G-dly inspiration. Then they saw water – at Marah and this woke them to the desire for physical water.

He lifted us out of the boundaries of nature.

This is the neshamah of torah – just like the neshamah is in us – we have a precarious body, housing a neshamah – and as a result of the neshamah, when the body is hurt, it can recuperate. The hidden tynug/pleasure is the real chayut/life of the body.

The neshamah of the neshamah is the oneg that keeps the chochmah alive.

The earth holds up the buildings, but the earth itself is held up by bli-mah, by nothing. We are held up by nothing, by Him, and this makes us invulnerable and gives us a sense of well being.

This is the basis of psychological health.

Nishmahta de nishmah is the essential tynug that has not yet come into chochmah. “There's more where that came from...!” You have open space and you build a house – the space is the same, one is in a form and the other is still open space. This is like tynug and chochmah.

... וחיי עולם

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