Sunday, November 1, 2015

“Life & Fingerprints” p:26/19

QAyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Cheshvan 5776 

Page 26 of pamphlet – (At lower third of the page. Line starts: 'be-atzilut...'). Page 19 of the book. For text see below.

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We are looking at the principle that the vessels that accept the light have an element of gvul/limit.

This limit is categorically different from infinity.

Infinity is not just an infinite accumulation of finite elememts.

Infinity is a categorical presence. A living person has his limits, but he also has an unlimited presence... the soul has eternal life. The soul lives forever and it gives an element of this to the body. So we sense a life element in the body...

Infinity is not measured by time and space. The life force heals the body. The life element is without limit, even though the soul and body eventually part ways...

Every fingerprint is different – this is infinity within a physical setting...

Regarding ownership: your presence fills the entire space. This is representative of your own reality. Your presence is there automatically. The extension of this presence/light is limitless since it is sourced in something limitless...

In atzilus the source is sensed. Outside atzilus the source is not sensed.

There is a limit in the vessels.

Beyond the level where you sense his presence you do not have same sense of the principle.

The presence of life is not measured by activity.

Activity is the effect of life. It is not life itself.

Sight and chochmah are indicative of a living soul...

And as pure as sight is, it works when the eyes are open. It is not the reality of the soul itself. Above this is emunah/faith – it cannot be explained.

Godliness has no dimension. The soul is a point. This is the real person. A revelation from beyond atzilus is what brings the light down below...

Going down to a practical level is not driven by a decision of sechel/mind. The decision originates on a level beyond sechel and is beyond what sechel presents.

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