Sunday, November 15, 2015

“Covenant & Beyond” p:27/20

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Kislev 5776 

Page 27 of pamphlet – (At second line from top of the page. Line starts: 'behem...'). Page 20 of the book. For text see below.

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There are 'letters' above the tzimtzum that can contain the reality of the ohr ein sof / infinity in revelation... How is that possible?!

And here we are talking of bli gvul (infinity) mamash (actual).

We were made when He blew into us. For this reason we have super-worldly attributes. We have emunah/faith and chochmah/wisdom, which is faith made consciouse. And this kind of infinity cannot be contained in a vessel.

The relationship of father and son is so deep that it cannot be grasped in a vessel. Our knowledge of it is by means of the ohr/light that it emanates.

The depth of the father and son relationship gives you a sense that there is a relationship in the world. We use it to decribe our relationship to God. This is an example of ohr bli gvul (an infinite light without limit). A light that cannot be contained in a vessel.

First Being is a simple term. But there is no way to grasp this concept! Our minds use definition and this is beyond definition – it is primary.

The infinite light is the effect of the presence of the essence.

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