Wednesday, November 11, 2015

“Light Beyond Revelation” p:27/20

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel, Cheshvan 5776 

Page 27 of pamphlet – (At first line from top of the page. Line starts: 've-ayno...'). Page 20 of the book. For text see below.

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The light of atzilus can be in vessels. This indicates that it has an aspect of limitation.

Think of a cup with water. Think of a cup submerged in water. Contrast this with a cup of water on a table. We are saying that if the water did not inherently have an element of limit it could not come to a situation of being contained in a vessel.

The soul is a Godly presence that comes into the body and functions there in a 'formatted' way. The faculties and light of the soul has inherent definition so that it can come down into the body and be contained in the vessels of sechel/mind and logic.

Atzilus is a level that is close to the Source. And the light here has an element of limit.

This is not similar to the levels that precede the tzimtzum/contraction. At this higher level is light as it comes from essence, without any focus on how it will create and reveal itself.

And after the tzimtzum a trace remains that is fully representative of the Ein Sof / infinity as it was in its original state.

A trace indicates an eternal quality. It is indicative of the originating principle.

The soul is bli gvul – it is life itself and there are certain things that can contain and represent this infinity.

There are realizations that touch you deeply.

You remember these thing eternally. Not for emotional reasons, but because it touches the truth of the soul/nefesh itself. There is a Godly reality to human experience. These are written on the soul in letters/otiot – a statement of reality, not based on emotion.

And these letters are a trace and are not for external expression and yet are present at the level after the tzimtzum/contraction. God puts Himself into His creation. He desires His dwelling place.

"God puts Himself into His creation. He desires His dwelling place."

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