Thursday, December 22, 2016

“Soul Craft” p 58 - 59

Is sight essential or a mechanical process? Sight and wisdom are soul qualities that retain a quality of the original essence. ”
Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Kislev 5777

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Page 58 [of the pamphlet] 3rd to last line of the page – line starts: 'nitchalku'. (P45 in the book)

Think of the 'revelation of the hidden' (gilui ha-helem).

Think of a dark room and you turn on the light. What was concealed is now revealed. You couldn't see it, but it was there. When we turn on the light the furnishings of the room come into view...

In truth the revelation of the hidden is exposing what the room stands for.

A table is not a derivative from the person, it is a revelation of the human soul.

Is sight essential or a mechanical process? Sight and wisdom are soul qualities that retain a quality of the original essence.

It's just that the infinity of the original essence is reduced to allow for specific sight and wisdom...


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