Friday, December 23, 2016

“Nothing Lost” p 58 - 59

It becomes revealed, but does not lose its potency. It functions in the world, but cannot be really identified.

Ayin Base with R' Paltiel. Kislev 5777

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Page 58 [of the pamphlet] last line of the page – line starts: 'ha-ohr'. (P45 in the book)

Think of the 'revelation of the hidden' (gilui ha-helem). This is a subtle principle.

There is a dual emphasis – a] a revelation where you can identify what is, on the other hand, b] it is the revelation of the hidden – that which is inherently hidden and not identifiable. And essentially it remains hidden.

It becomes revealed, but does not lose its potency. It functions in the world, but cannot be really identified – think of a talent.

This is the way it is in atzilut.

The human insights, sensitivities, and aspirations are inexplicable in worldly terms. The human being is a miracle. He represents his Creator. Man is a super-worldly presentation in the world.

A day is noted by the lunar and solar cycle. But the definition of day preceded the sun and moon.

Day is such a marvelous demarcation of time and is precisely calibrated for the world and human beings...

It is not the result of experience. It is an initial creation. And each of the 7 days has its function. And you may lose sight of the essential quality of the day, so He created the 7th day – a golden day – symbolic of the Godly definition – connecting back to God Himself.

This is an example fo gilui ha-helem [revelation of the hidden].

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