Thursday, May 25, 2017

“Invested Infinity” p74

“Sechel/mind looks for the point.  It is a soul expression.  It is limitless and has its own truth… It is not defined by world…”

“Invested Infinity” p74

Iyar 5777

P 74 [of the new pamphlet] lower third of the page, at the line starting “be-zachut…”.  [P 55 of the book]

The emphasis here is the vessels - not the light.  The differences in the light is due to the vessels!

The light becomes internal - it is this way by design - to become invested in a vessel - embracing it and relating to it fully…

Due to this quality the vessel reveals the various elements that can be revealed from the light. 

In chochmah the vessel is so fine that the light has brilliance…  

Sechel/mind looks for the point.  It is a soul expression.  It is limitless and has its own truth… It is not defined by world…

A child as a feeling of his own identity - his identity as it is given to him by God… He wants to be himself, but not independent of the truth.  There is only one true being - Him - the Source.  And we have our own identity in His presence, not in isolating ourselves on a rocket ship to nowhere…!

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