Tuesday, May 16, 2017

“Revolutionary” p73

“In the infinity itself there is the aspect of 10 sphirot which is a structure aimed ultimately at creation!”

“Revolutionary” p73

Iyar 5777

P 73 [of the new pamphlet] at second paragraph of the page, at the line starting “ve’hinei…”.  [P 53 of the book]

In the infinity itself there is the aspect of 10 sphirot which is a structure aimed ultimately at creation!

This is made effective through the sphirah of malchut.

This is what enables this supreme light getting invested in vessels!

And this is a pretty revolutionary situation.

This is also the cause of the division between the higher and lower aspects. 

Infinity [ein sof] is above the elements of higher and lower… like a sphere has no top and bottom.

But in the array of sphirot there is indeed the element of higher and lower.  For example chochmah is above binah.  

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