Monday, May 22, 2017

“Real to Him; No Intervening Space” p73

“The true man of wisdom [chacham gadol] sees how things are revealed from above, not how they manifest themselves in the world.  All the details in the world gain reality due to this perspective.”

“Real to Him; No Intervening Space” p73

Iyar 5777

P 74 [of the new pamphlet] at 4th line from top of the page, at the line starting “nikarim…”.  [P 54 of the book]

There are differences in the light [higher and lower lights], and this is due to the vessels… but how is this a distinction ’in the light’.  The answer is that this is an inner light [ohr pnimi] and so the distinction is already present in the light…

Ratzon and sechel/mind differ.  Ratzon/will is totally soul based.  Sechel/mind is involved in identifying things as they exist in the world.  

The true man of wisdom [chacham gadol] sees how things are revealed from above, not how they manifest themselves in the world.  All the details in the world gain reality due to this perspective.  

The most powerful element in the world is that God wants it.  this is what gives it true presence…

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